* Pokemon Dark Rising 2™ - The Last
Stand * .
I, DarkRisingGirl, proudly bring
to you the sequel to the
popular hack, Pokemon Dark Rising.
This hack continues the story of you
trying to rescue your father, releasing
Arceus from it’s sealed
chamber, and defeating the
dark entity known as Darugis.
This hack promises to bring a very
engaging storyline, involving more character
development from the cast
you’ve encounter in the first
hack along with new, more
intriguing faces. Check out The Story
So Far section & Features for more info! ^.^ The Story So Far You, the player,
wake up from a sudden dream you
had in the region known as CORE,
where you live. In the dream, a
Pokemon tells you of a dark force that
has begun it's reawakening & asks for your
aid in stoping it from causing
chaos upon the world. You soon
discover your best friend also had the
same visit from the Pokemon in the
form of a dream as well. After helping your town's
professor, you set out on your own
Pokemon adventure paired with your
DRAGON - Type Pokemon & many
questions unanswered in your mind.
What is Darugis, the dark force the Pokemon spoke of? Along your
journey, you discover Darugis can
control the minds of people and
Pokemon alike. You meet a
man named V, who was a former
assistance of your father, who Darugis now has captured along with the
Pokemon from your dream. As your
journey continues, you meet many
enemies, some
who become rivals, and even friends.
Sydney, a young woman who watched Darugis's reawakening cause the
death of her family and her village.
Dray, a strong-willed Pokemon trainer
who's father was also connected to
your father and helped defeat
Darugis years ago. And Florina, another strong trainer with a genius
mind when it comes to technology.
Together, along with your childhood
friend, Pete, as well as assistance from
a once enemy, Kayo, defeated Adrian,
the champion of the OMNI Region who happened to be one of Darugis's main
puppets. Through this time, you've
grown to become a very strong
Pokemon trainer. Even battling the
likes of Ash Ketchum himself, the
world's greatest Pokemon Trainer.
You've also gained the ability
to connect and bond with Legendary
Pokemon. As some
questions became clear with
answers, more begin to grow in your mind. For example, what is the
true connection between the 3 Chosen
Ones? You have the power to Bond
and communicate with Pokemon. A
young man known as Light has the
power to create Pokemon through energy. And your best friend, the 3rd
Chosen One, what is his ability? There's
still so
much unanswered... Now, You and the
rest of your friends(Team Dark Rising)
have set off to the OMNI Region in search of DARUGIS & saving your
father. Three days have past since the
events at Malice Castle...The team has
changed their gear,
and left all traces of events within the
CORE Region behind them, including their Pokemon(Except their DRAGONS).
What awaits you &
the Team at the OMNI Region?
Is there an even bigger threat than
Darugis being formed? FEATURES Day/
Night System Physical/Special Split Pokemon from
Every Generation (1st-6th)
Even more New Moves. Including Grass
Knot, Stone Edge, Earth Power, Scald,
and more. Dream World Abilities.
Including Drought Vulpix, Drizzle Poliwag, Speed Boost Torchic, and
more. Completely redone learned
moves for every Pokemon in the hack.
All Pokemon will learn their best egg
moves & move tutor attacks by level
up instead of breeding & teaching it to them for a price. Including Dragon
Dance Tyranitar, Stealth Rock/
Spikes/Leech Seed Ferrothorn, Ice
Punch/Fire Punch Electivire, and more.
12 Gym Leaders
Attacks that had their power changed in 6th gen will be
changed in this hack as well.
For example, Flamethrower/
Thunderbolt/Ice Beam/Surf are now
Base 90, instead of
95. (Hidden Power will remain the same as it did before 6th
gen.) New Original Music custom
designed just for this hack. ALL of the
original GRASS/WATER/FIRE Starters
from Gen 1-5 will be available in
specific areas in the hack with a 1% or 2% chance of them appearing. Choose
your Dragon Starter from Dark Rising 1
in it’s final evolution as your first
Pokemon or choose from the
other two if you want to
switch up this time around. (In other words, DRAGONITE/
the Starters)
◄ CHARACTERS: ► * Oren/Orena: *
The Hero/Heroine of the hack.
This young but very skilled
Pokemon trainer is on a mission to
save his/her father, release Arceus,
and defeat Darugis while becoming the best Pokemon
trainer in the world. He/She
has the ability to bond with
Pokemon, allowing him/her to
understand the words spoken
by legendary Pokemon. Despite only being a trainer for such a short time,
he/she has earned the reputation of
being a top prospect after defeating
the OMNI-League Champion, Adrian. * Kaz (Rival): *
Kaz is the best friend of Oren/Orena
and also has an ability to connect with
Pokemon. While that exact ability is
unknown, he too has the power to
release Arceus from it’s chamber and stop Darugis. Like Oren/Orena, Kaz
is a very skilled trainer and tends to
use plenty of offense in battle after
boosting his Pokemon’s strength. * Sydney: *
A powerful trainer who lost her
parents due to Darugis’s reawakening.
Although she is short-tempered, she
has a very
compassionate heart and manage to soothe the soul of Kyurem, before
capturing it. * Dray: *
A cocky yet skilled trainer, he has won
numerous league tournaments in
regions and often has a joke
for every situation. Despite being a comedian, he takes Pokemon
very serious and is
one of the top trainers in the
world. He hopes to someday
defeat Ash Ketchum and win
the title. He is the boyfriend of Pokemon trainer, Florina. * Florina: *
A master of technology, she has won
her fair share of league
tournaments and has certified
herself as one of the best
trainers in the world. She is the girlfriend of Pokemon
trainer, Dray. * Prof.Mercury: *
Said to be the most aggressive
Pokemon Professor in the world,
Prof.Mercury tends to keep
to herself and explodes on
anyone who asks her too many questions. Despite her
straight forward attitude and
annoyance to everything, she
cares deeply for Pokemon and
never wants to see any in
danger. * Benga: *
Benga lost his parents and
grandmother when he was only a
newborn baby due to an event long
ago where Pokemon felt in danger by
humans. The Pokemon known as Cobalion, Terrakion, and
Virizion attacked his parents and
grandmother because they felt
threatened, landing fatal blows to each
of them. Benga’s only purpose as a
Pokemon trainer is to become powerful enough to take revenge for
his lost and capture the Pokemon,
Heatran. Who he believes is
just the right Pokemon to
defeat them. * Jalice: *
A lonesome, homeless girl.
Jalice has been surviving on
her own since she was a child.
Her and her partner Pokemon,
Fennekin, travel from city to city, gathering resources and stealing
food at any chance
they can get before fleeing to
another town. Not much is
known about her. Darugis: The
ultimate dark entity, Darugis was created from all of the negative
energy in the world. It’s
power rivals the god of all
Pokemon, Arceus. Arceus The God of
all Pokemon has been sealed away by
Darugis in a dark chamber. Only the Chosen Ones
can free it and use it’s power to defeat
Things You Need To Know When
you’re playing this hack:
- I strongly encourage you to explore
everything. I’m trying to create a deep
world around the Dark Rising series. Talk to any Npc that you may see in
towns, houses, and on routes because
some of them may tell you information
that connects to the main plot and
possibly give you hints and clues on
events that will come in the future. There’s much more going on in this
hack than the main characters & their
struggle against Darugis. But
it’s up to the person playing
to seek out the other events taking
place in this world. * Fishing in this hack is very
important early on. You get
your rod near the beginning of
the hack, however it’s not instantly
giving to you unless you find the
person that will give you the rod. This goes hand-and-hand with what I
mentioned above. Talk To Everybody!
Fishing is
important because around the first half
of the hack, Water-
Pokemon are rare and will not be obtainable unless you fish
in various ponds that are set
around routes and a cave.
* When choosing if you want to play as
a Boy or a Girl, after
you select your choice, the sprite in the introduction gets
a little darker and glitchy looking.
According to a few people, this is the
same bug that has affected Pokemon
Ashgray. I've never played Ashgray
(Although I want too!) so I cannot confirm if it's the same glitch, but it's
nothing to worry about as once you
start the game, the player's
character sprite returns to
normal and never become
glitchy again. * Be sure to receive your
Pokedex from Prof.Mercury's assistant.
If you do not, most
of your Pokemon Will Not be
able to evolve.
* Do not return to the deck of the ship, it will freeze your
* As of Beta 1, Cries are not
inserted into the hack. Shiny
6th gen Pokemon are not
inserted into the hack yet either.
* The player's back sprite in battle only
has one frame (The one where he/she
is holding the Pokeball) due to my
laziness. I didn't feel like re-coloring
the other frames. .
◄ Q&A: ►
Q. This hack won’t be as buggy as Dark
Rising 1, will it?
A. No, not at all. The majority of DR1
was made by Me & another user named Tajaros. It was just us two. At
the time, although we had knowledge
in different areas
of Rom hacking, we were both
still beginners compared to
how good we are now. DR2 is being made by a whole team full of
experts in their respective areas of
Q. Any other 6th gen Pokemon you’ll
be adding?
A. Yes, I will include a good portion of the 6th gen Pokemon. I will
not be including Fairy-Type Pokemon
Q. When will this hack be completed?
A. Sometime in late 2014. A beta of this
hack, which reaches to 5 badges and a climatic battltäe at the end, will be
released in December 2013.download here paki move nalang po kong mali 

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