Commonly used by users of electronic cigarettes and on the e-cigarette-forum

AFS - Automatic Feed System
Analog - Traditional tobacco cigarettes
Atty - Atomizer
BB - Black Beauty (AltSmoke)
BFM - Blue Foam Mod (cart filler material)
BP - "Big Pharma" - large, multi-national pharmaceutical companies
BP - Buzz Pro (Notcigs)
BSB - Black Silver Bullet (AltSmoke)
BT - "Big Tobacco" - large, trans-national tobacco companies, Such as RJ Reynolds, BAT, Philip Morris etc.
C9V - Cloud 9 Vaping (Suppliers)
Cart - Short for cartridge-The part of the electronic cigarette are priority contains the liquid. These come blank (with no liquid), or pre-filled.
CASAA - The Consumer Advocates for Smoke-free Alternatives Association
cc - cubic centimeter (1 cc = 1 ml)
cm - centimeter (1 cm = 0.394 inch)
CN - China
DBSB - Double Barrel Silver Bullet (AltSmoke)
DC - Dual Coil
DCC - Dual Coil Cartomizer
DIY - Do It Yourself
DOA - Dead On Arrival
dr - dram (1 dram = 3.7 ml)
Dripping - To place a few drops of liquid onto the atomizer Directly instead of using a cartridge.
Dry Smoking - Same thing as dripping, refering to the fact that the cartridge us usually not filled, Therefore dry.
DT - Drip Tip
E-Liquid - Flavored or unflavored liquid for use in an electronic cigarette, usually (but not always) containing nicotine.
ECA - Electronic Cigarette Association (until 2010)
ECF - e-cigarette-forum
Electrofag - British-English slang term for an e-cig
ELP - ELiquidPlanet (Suppliers)
EMDCC - Ego Mega Dual Coil Cartomizer
EST - E-smokeytreats (Suppliers)
ETA - Edited to Add
ETA - Estimated Time of Arrival
FDA - Food and Drug Administration
Filler - The clump of fibers that hold the liquid in the cartridge
FV - Fixed Voltage
GG - Golden Greek (The GG)
GP - Good Prophets (Suppliers)
GRAS - Generally recognized as safe an FDA designation that PG and VG Covers
HR - High Resistance (Atomizer / Cartomizer)
HV - High Voltage (typically a 5 or 6 volt e-cigarette)
IMR - A battery with lower internal resistance and a high discharge rate, good for high drain applications like e-cigarettes
in - inch (also abbreviated ") (1 inch = 25.4 mm)
JC - Short for Johnson Creek, a brand of e-liquids
JS - Janty Stick
Juice / E-Juice / Smoke Juice - Another term for E-Liquid
KB - Kissbox (Janty)
KR8 - KR808D-1
LR - Low Resistance (Atomizer / Cartomizer)
LV - Light Vaper (Mod)
Facial - LiquidXpress (Suppliers)
mA - milliamp (Often used as a measure of available power)
mAh - milliamp hour (Often used as a measure of battery capacity / duration)
MFS - My Freedom Smokes (Suppliers)
mg - milligrams (Often used as measure of nicotine per ml of e-liquid)
ml - milliliter (1 ml = 0.034 fluid ounce)
mm - millimeter (1 mm = 0.039 inch)
Mod - Forum Moderator
Mod - Modified (custom built) e-cigarette
MOQ - Minimum Order Quantity
MVS - My Vapor Store (Suppliers)
NH - Nhaler (Suppliers)
Nic - Nicotine
NPG - Not containing Propylene Glycol. Sometimes used as a synonym to Vegetable glycerin.
NRT - Nicotine Replacement Therapy (patches, gum, etc..)
NVC - National Vapers Club
OD - Overdose
OP - Original Post or Poster
oz - Ounce (1 fluid oz = 29.5 ml)
Passthrough - A USB adapter for the Electronic Cigarette are priority screws onto the atomizer like a battery, but draws power from a USB port.
PC - Powder Coat or Coating
PCC - Personal Charging Case / Portable Charger Case
PD - Prodigy (PureSmoker)
PEG - Propylethylene Glycol
PG - Propylene Glycol
PGA - Pure Grain Alcohol (aka Everclear)
PH - Public Health
PM - Private Message
Primer Puff - A short, quick mouth, inhale on the electronic cigarette similar to the action When smoking a pipe or cigar. This heats up the atomizer before a full draw.
PS - PureSmoker (Suppliers)
PT - Passthrough - A USB adapter for the Electronic Cigarette are priority screws onto the atomizer like a battery, but draws power from a USB port.
PTB - Pyramid Tea Bag (cart filler material)
PV - Personal Vaporizer - An electronic cigarette. Some prefer to use this term as the word 'cigarette' has a lot of negative connotations associated with it that do not apply to PVs.
PVF - Pinoy Vapers Forum (phillipine E-cig Vapers Organization / Forum)
PWM - Pulse Width modulation (Variable Voltage)
QC - Quality Control
RD - Ruyan Direct (Supplier)
RYO - Roll Your Own cigarettes analog
SB - Silver Bullet (AltSmoke)
SD - TROG's screwdriver Mod
SE - Smoking Everywhere (Suppliers)
SLB - Shenzhen Technology Co. Sailebao. (Manufacturer)
SR - Standard Resistance (Atomizer / Cartomizer)
SS - Stainless Steel
SS - Super Six (Super T Manufacturing)
Stuffing - Another term for filler
TAB - Turkish American Blend (E-liquid)
Tailpiping - Vaping Directly from the atomizer without using a mouthpiece / cartridge
TAWA - Throw Away Atomizer (no warranty)
TH - Throat hit
Topping Up / Off - To add a few drops of liquid to a partially used cartridge to prolong its use
TV - Tasty Vapor (Suppliers)
TW - Totally Wicked (Suppliers)
UFS - uninterrupted Feed System (The GG)
ULRA - Ultra Low Resistance Atomizer
V4L - Vapor4Life (Suppliers)
Vaping - The act of using an Electronic Cigarette (as opposed to "smoking", as the device creates a vapor rather than smoke)
VG - Vegetable glycerin
VK - Vapor King (Vapor4Life)
VK - Vapor Kings (Suppliers)
VV - Variable Voltage
VW - Variable Wattage
WHO - World Health Organization
WTA - Whole Tobacco Alkaloids
XH - XHaler (Nhaler)
DK - Dekang (World's Largest e-liquid supplier) [/ QUOTE]

Nyo post tips and how to make yourself With sweetness e-juice and bbuild

here mine using 100% organic cotton KANTHAL Wick wire 32g. 4 loops of wire double Wick center. yong screen shot in mouth please.

TUT on how to rebuld see pic. in mouth please.

TUT HOW TO REBUILD PHEONIX V1 V2 V3 Please place is also another RA atty.

1.First you taken then mini screw yong KANTHAL wire Nyo. Rotate to add mini screw wire round four.
Organic Wick KANTHAL 32g wire 4 loops on double Wick
2 pieces of wire to correct yong you simply rotate the Wick she seems to dread lock ever. After that syang for yarn and needles. wire needle was going to be done to add Wick become extinct. see pic.
3. You then insert needles and yarn was 4 loops KANTHAL made ​​in mini screw see pic.
Entered 4.pag cut just the right length for you swak swak with Pheonix. v1 v2 or v3 be even that.
Wick 5.ilagay the first V2 was put in juicewell Wick. before you connect the + and - for she turned to the correct position for example in the center position for the center basically she turned and seamlessly Smooth on vvape.
6.ready the connect + and - at the center atty make sure that she turned center. or left or right side forever.
7. OK to add the + and - nahigpitan first screw her. to adjust to add wire space Between wire.
8. ready to try that if silica can Nyo Nyo Wick with itorch she even no juice to make sure that the red coloring or bumabaga yong 4 wire loops in Wick Nyo.
see my video for prof.
take notes using the Wick organic Nyo Do please itotorch no juice because soluble po yan because 100% cotton was organic.

watched the video Nyo Nyo stage I got I just ignore yong build I smoke. I really like that nyahahaha

Vaping HAPPY AND Rebuilding

Nyo as well post pic I posted yong me later.

my first unit

EGO starter kit 650mah tank PT converts I typed bull tank atomizer from E-PIPE hehehe
ok ok so puff and smoke her but i want more puff taste and smoke. I then decide to upgrade

my second unit

infreno tube variable voltage

2000 mah battery 18650 batts

DC atomizer tank, bull tank, tank Warhead, and Zeus rebuildable

Please avisable this unit for heavy smoker like me hehe

TIP TIP 1 or drip type snake rose type and bullet type.

accesorys and all units came from E-PIPE sta. lucia east.

So far so good I am satisfied that the inferno first unit I
the strength of stone and delicate ivape.

already tested E-jiuce

1.USA nic mix tobacco flavors. level hi
2.menthol nic. level hi not nic level hi
4.choco nic level hi
5.grape nic level hi
6.virginia nic tobacco flavor. Hi
7.capuccino nic. Hi
Hi nic 8.coffe
Hi nic 9.marlboro

after a couple of weeks blueberry nic. Mid
11.straw mid-banana nic
Nic gum melon mid 12.water strawberry mid nic

I'll post some DIY receipe soon if i have time

those who do not yet know to what eletronic cigarette or e-cig in short

What are Electronic Cigarettes?

Electronic Cigarettes are battery operated devices that have been Developed as an alternative to normal cigarettes. These are made up of a heater, a battery and a cartridge that contains a solution of propylene glycol, nicotine and some other chemicals. It GIVES a smoker the apparent effects of nicotine intake without delivering the toxic elements like Tobacco, Tar and Carbon Monoxide that harms the lungs. There is bad breath or yellowing of teeth Either.

Electronic Cigarette History

The electronic cigarette was devised in 2003 by a Chinese druggist named Hon Lik. It was introduced into the Chinese market in 2004. It began to be marketed abroad from 2005 by Golden Dragon Holdings, the company worked where Hon.

The Electronic Cigarette Association is the body that Includes all private companies in trading of electronic cigarettes.

Are Electronic Cigarette Dangerous?

Electronic Cigarettes were first popularized as a safer way of nicotine intake. While Electronic Cigarette consumption is safer than having actual cigarettes filled with tobacco, They are not really a total safe option.

Diethylene Glycol

Electronic Cigarettes are found to Contain an anti-freeze component known as Diethylene Glycol. It is toxic to HUMANS and can cause health worries on inhalation. This is one of the major Electronic Cigarette side effects


Other than Diethylene Glycol, e-cigarettes also Contain Cancer-causing compounds like nitrosamines. If the cigarette accidentally breaks, be exposed to a HUMANS Harmful Such components.

there are good and bad efeect also turned in this e-cig I know it hahahahaha ok but relative to real cigarettes all things also have good and bad effects correctly Diva

I slanderous e-cig because I am also one of its users a day I was only 250 php e-juice hahaha.

Bad Marketing

The marketing strategy of e-cigarettes has also come under criticism. Many electronic cigarette brands are being found to offer e-cigarettes in Various flavors like mint, orange and chocolate. This can entice smokers as well as non-smokers. This actually promotes smoking rather than curbing it.

Some electronic cigarette juices have caramel and strawberry flavorings that have attracted children into smoking.


Health experts argue that electronic cigarettes Contain Nicotine, the basic elements found in cigarettes. In an electronic cigarette liquid Nicotine is used. Nicotine is an alkaloid that is Harmful medicine for HUMANS. A long drag on the cigarette can make you actually suck some of the liquid nicotine into your mouth. This can be very damaging for health. You have to drag the cigarette slowly for 3-5 seconds, are priority is not always possible to be careful about.

Please do not all e-juice with nicotine. with hi mid and low nicotine nicotine.
I use heavy smoker since I was hi but now I'm in the mid.
Please pretty well this way I want to quit the smoking With sweetness Nyo. Please do especially in the heavy smoker like me before hi please e-juice I use now in mid Thanks. yong was just this way with majesty and those e-juice. pede po kau make yourself With sweetness e-juice I want Nyo save but I have not tried to create your own e-juice maybe one of these day because I love please we are buying e-juice especially in the mall dun you most cheap is 150 php I want to make yourself With sweetness Nyo e-juice just search youtube female condoms hard you delve the ingridients. glycerine just finds me hahaha.


-Cigarettes also consist of Tetramethylpyrazine. Prolonged exposure to Tetramethylpyrazine can result in brain damage in human beings.


There is also a concern that electronic cigarettes Widespread consumption has promoted drug use. There are reports of liquid nicotine being substituted with liquid THC, a popular potent marijuana resin. If electronic cigarette e liquid is replaced with addictive drugs, it can be highly damaging to Become health. Further it can cause breakdown of the health instead of Improving it. In any case, electronic cigarettes do not contribute to health.


That the electronic cigarette costs less is also a factor that can aid its popularity. Many websites offer these devices at a starting price of about 40 pounds. Cartridge Refills are available for less than a pound. This is far lesser than actual monthly expenditure on cigarettes.

Do Electronic Cigarettes cause Cancer?

Often people worry Whether Electronic Cigarettes give rise to cancer. In electronic cigarette nicotine, flavorings and many other Harmful chemicals are used that have a cancerous effects on the body. However, carcinogenic electronic cigarette health risks have not been proved by any study

Electronic Cigarette Risks for Heart

Electronic cigarette cartridges are priority Contain nicotine can cause heart ailments. Cartridges containing even traces of nicotine can be risky for the health of your heart. The risk can be reduced only by using Electronic Cigarette No Nicotine cartridges.

Electronic Cigarette Is Good For You?

It is a fact that no electronic cigarette company is endorsed by any health organization. This is the reason why there has been an effective Electronic Cigarette ban in a number of countries like Canada. While Electronic Cigarettes are less dangerous compared to real cigarettes, They are still a threat to smokers. For an effective removal of smoking habit, it is best to give up smoking completely. It is best not to try to stop smoking with Electronic Cigarettes.

po kau care I believe you nyan good and bad effects. in my opinion ok relative to the e-cig cigarette really why? because the real cigarettes with thousands of chemical and nor do I believe that the propene gylcol dangerous one for the pro gigamit made e-juice used as food additive E1520 po yang.
My honey just good and bad effects on a blog. The letter did nyan eh maybe one could yong owner of tobacco campany I just think hahaha. Nyo that I know why. ovious that ovious but also more safe e-cig relative to real cigarettes. correct me if I'm wrong.

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