Water Battery

It's composed of Copper and aluminum foil (or zinc). And please also proven Ku Yung napoproduce stronger voltage when used salted water Yung.

You can try to ngayun yun itself, just experiment first.

1. Foil (from cegerete pack) (fold in half Yung exposed her shiny.)
2. 10 cents version (sinusukli the mall) (if you try Yung 25 cents.)
3. some cotton (wet to dry my salt water)
4. Tester.

* Lay the foil on the table
* Lay the wet cotton wool in foil
* Lay the cotton coin (compressed, but do hold NYU just flown lest Yung foil)
Important: avoid foil and stick the coin)

* Positive coin
* Negative foil
* Check if hammering the tester *

This is what its look like >>


How to make organic solar cell Video instruction

Please be attached Yung net simple battery in action, set to 1.5v Yung mete.

Thanks for reading hope I have given an idea about the others. Consequence back all that research. (:
Try this youtube channel. Anjan almost all alternative energy like battery earth and air battery.

How to make Organic Solar Cells
I could not do.

[Share] NOPOPO battery!

The Eco-Friendly Battery NOPOPO

It's Called NoPoPO and it stands for No Pollution Power. The first totally Eco Friendly battery that runs on Water. It's rechargeable and completely recyclable.

One of the latest advancements by the Japanese in battery technology. It is a battery that runs off of regular drinking water, or almost any other water based liquid for that matter. Do not think of it as a battery, but rather as a small electric generator. The battery has a shelf life of 20 years, and can be recharged or "Re-Filled" up to 5 times. Each battery has the Ability to Produce 1.5 volts @ 500mA of current on just a few drops of water. When the battery runs down and no longer produces the required current, simply add a few drops of water and "Presto" you are back to like new again with full power.

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"I know the electrical variables or computation. Ishare That I just not fun for me and many research to be able to share with those interested."

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