True offline / onboard Navigation Software
Offline: doesn't require a cellular network connection
Onboard: saves expensive roaming costs
Uses OpenStreetMap (OSM) map data
Download and update maps on demand

True Android application
Developed from scratch for Android devices
Fully follows Android development paradigms
Comes with a native C++ core library

On-board maps based on OSM (OpenStreetMap), commercial maps only for business customers
2D and 2.5D perspective maps
Single line search for streets, plaves, point of interests, etc.
Pedestrian and car routing
Voice-based guidance (TTS for languages, Android 1.6 and higher required)
Supports both metric system (meters, kilometers) and imperial system (miles, yards, feets)
Map manager for downloading and updating maps
Editable bookmarks (pins)

download Navdroyd.apk 1.4.7 here:

download the updated PH Map here:

install apk then exit. unzip and copy data folder to sdcard/navdroyd/ and overwrite.

this works 101% and tested in my samsung ace & wonder.


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